|  | Go up | .. |
|  | About these modules.txt | Important information about the modules
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_AllDspModules.7z | ALL DSP MODULES at once! NOTE: use this instead of the files below as these files are duplicates.
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_Approximations.7z | Ultra fast approximations for sin, cos, tan, cotan, arctan, arccotan, log2 and 2^x
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_AudioRGB.7z | Audio To RGB Converter. A very crazy idea to convert audio into an RGB value came into my mind, while working with the whole polyphase filter stuff. It's far away from being sophisticated rocket science, but it is fun to play with this tools nevertheless. An example is included as well.
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_Barberpole.7z | Barberpole Flanger Module, a simple barbertone flanger SE module with up to 16 stages. Similar to the chorus module, but instead of a sine LFO, a saw LFO is used and the stages are crossfaded to avoid discontinuities
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_BassEnhancer.7z | Some Psychoacoustic Bass Enhancers.
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_BrushedMetal.7z | Algorithmicly create a brushed metal surface
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_Butterworth.7z | Butterworth LP & HP filters (up to 64th order = 384dB/Oct). Example included.
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_ChebyshevFilter.7z | Chebyshev LP & HP Filters (up to 32th order = 192dB/Oct)
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_ChebyshevWaveshaper.7z | Chebyshev Waveshaper, tweak up to 24 harmonics seperately
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_Chorus.7z | Chorus Module, containing a simple chorus with up to 16 stages and another simple STK based chorus
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_Convert.7z | some useful converters can be found in this module
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_Convolution.7z | A simple convolution module. Select a wave file with an impulse response, connect input and output and optionally choose the desired latency. The code is entirely based on unoptimized open source code from my project. A low latency sub module is included that performs better for lower latencies or large IRs. An optimized alternative is available for sale that performs about 7 times better.
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_Dynamics.7z | This SE module contains 19 different dynamic processors (gates, limiters, compressors), that can be found in the Delphi ASIO & VST open source package. On request all these processors can be modified to support a sidechain input and more than one input/output channel for more complex settings.
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_Envelope.7z | Envelope Follower based on a hilbert transformation performed with a polyphase filter (originally written as HIIR library by Laurent de Soras). The polyphase filter can tweaked by order and transition bandwidth.
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_Fibonacci.7z | Fibonacci binary sequence generator. You can adjust the order and additionally downsample the series to be able to use it as a unique waveform generator. You might also need to apply a lowpass filter in order to hear the low frequency details and to avoid damage to yor speakers.
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_Filters.7z | Filter SE module containing 8 differnt type of biquad filters. You can find all the standard filters (lowpass, highpass, bandpass, notch, allpass, low shelf, high shelf, peak) in here. Furthermore I added a filter featuring a universal shape control. This can change the filter type continously between lowcut, low shelf, peak, high shelf and high cut. It was part of my KVR Developer Chalenge entry of 2007.
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_GFX.7z | Some GUI effects such as 'Add Color Noise', 'Add Mono Noise', 'Brushed Metal', 'Brushed MetalĀ²', 'Contrast', 'Emboss', 'GrayScale', 'Hue', 'Invert', 'FishEye', 'Lightness', 'Darkness', 'Saturation', 'Split Blur', 'Split BlurĀ²', 'Gaussian Blur', 'Mosaic', 'Twist', 'Splitlight', 'Tile', 'Spotlight', 'Trace'.
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_HRTF3D.7z | Integrated HRTF convolution module added. Use this module for binaural stereo positioning. The HRTF file used is public domain and was measured at the IRCAM. Other HRTF sets can be found on the projects homepage.
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_Label.7z | A simple label
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_LightweightDynamics.7z | Lightweight Soft Knee Dynamics, based on some clever math tricks and psycho-acoustically optimized polynomes. Can be used for mono / stereo processing with a separate sidechain.
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_LinkwitzRiley.7z | Linkwitz-Riley crossover filter (up to 64th order)
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_OpenGL.zip | OpenGL viewer, loads any 3D scene from file (3DS, OBJ/OBJF, SMD, MD2, STL, TIN, PLY and many more). Preview and example included in the zip file.
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_PascalScript.zip | Pascal Script Interpreter, use pascal to create your own classes, procedures and functions and use them for DSP (might be slow though)
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_Phaser.7z | Phaser Module, a simple phaser SE module with up to 16 stages. Similar to the chorus module, but the effect is completely different.
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_Pitchshifter.7z | Simple STK based pitch shifter
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_Realverb.7z | This reverb uses the convolution engine to create realistic reverb using convolution. It is meant as a public example for the convolution module.
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_Reverb.7z | Reverb module, based on STK and Freeverb reverb code, but modified to get access to some parameters (also fixed some bugs). Also a plate reverb algorithm is included based on the plate reverb design described by dattorro (see http://www.stanford.edu/~dattorro/EffectDesignPart1.pdf).
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_SemExplorer.zip | SEM Explorer, lets you explore SEM files (properties and pins)
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_SemMerger.zip | Since SE modules allow to contain more than one modules, this tool merges several SEMs as a single SEM.
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_Sine.7z | Super Fast Sine Generator
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_SoundTouchPitchshifter.7z | This SE module encapsulate the SoundTouch library that can be used for high quality pitch shifting.
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_TanhApproximations.7z | 10 different tanh() approximations. Trade off between accuracy and CPU usage
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_Tools.zip | Several useful tools. Converted from the common unit "DAV_Common" in the open source project.
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_TrigoMath.7z | This module contains 25 sub modules for all your trigonometric math needs. You'll find a single and double precision version (Float/Double) in there.
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_Tuner.7z | Two Tuner modules. They output the estimated frequency. The estimation is done by counting the zero crossings of a filtered signal. This is independent of the volume, but might not work with too strange harmonics.
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_Vibrato.7z | Vibrato Module, a simple vibrato SE module. Similar to the chorus module, but with only one voice and no dry signal.
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_Vocoder.7z | Two different third-octave vocoders
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_VoiceSynth.7z | Combined Tuner and Sine-Synth.
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | DAV_VST2SEM.zip | VST 2 SEM wrapper, wraps a VST plugin as SE module. Might not work with every VST Plugin, but at least most of my own plugins work well. I will prewrap a selection of my plugins soon as well.
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |
|  | More SE modules.url | You can find more of these SE modules here...
[Uploaded by cwbudde] |