About these modules ------------------- The modules in this section are precompiled modules of the open source "Delphi ASIO & VST Project". Due to continous problems with yahoogroups the list you can find here is not maintained anymore. For more information please subscribe to this mailinglist: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/delphiasiovst-synthedit The latest precompiled modules can be found on: http://www.savioursofsoul.de/Christian/ License ------- A license file should be included in all the archieves for further explanation. In general all modules apply to the (modified) LGPL or MPL 1.1 and thus they may be used for any application. Development ----------- Even though SynthEdit is not the major target, the undrlying code for the modules are under constant development. Thus they are frequently updated. You may experience some issues with SynthEdit, which is due to the fact, that they are not thoroughly tested. However, since this is an open source project feel free to help out testing or donating money. So far the development of the SynthEdit modules was solely done by Christian-W. Budde.