Synthedit Users files and photos archive. Display nameDescription Go up.. SliderGui.cppCustomised SliderGui.cpp, to check the recent bugs about slider readout[Uploaded by kx77vst] 1.4 read out bug offset.pnggraphic bug with classic sliders (SE 1.4056 + last SDK3)[Uploaded by kx77vst] gtx675mx.pngGTX 620, 675 and HD 530 DX rendering wrong gamma curve !!On recent SEVEN with last drivers.[Uploaded by kx77vst] Last SE BUG reports and custom SEM.zipupdate of Custom Polyphony Contol SEM with Voice refresh pin added (x86 and x64) and various txt or png of last SE bugs...[Uploaded by kx77vst] actions choose an actionDownload selected items as an ZIP archive (only files) - 1 folders - 4 files - 708.94 KB - - dir_listing_statistics