|  | Go up | .. |
|  | Tutorial Files - for experienced users | .se1 files demonstrating advanced modular synthesis techniques and the use of 3rd party .SEP modules
[Uploaded by collusioninc] |
|  | Tutorial Files - for beginners | .se1 files demonstrating basic applications for beginners
[Uploaded by kf25xo] |
|  | Modules | 3rd party addon .SEP modules built with the SynthEdit module SDK
[Uploaded by unkargherth] |
|  | BlackWinny | [Uploaded by blackwinnyfr] |
|  | EVM | [Uploaded by etric_van_mayer] |
|  | internal clock tests | [Uploaded by gromozhekka] |
|  | Steinberg stops VST2 | [Uploaded by michaellou260] |
|  | 64-Bit Modules | [Uploaded by michaellou260] |
|  | Information Text Files | A folder for people to put text files of useful information, such as harmonic frequencies arrays, note value to volts, etc...
[Uploaded by benalthauser] |
|  | Sub-Controls | Examples of how to use the Sub-Controls for various things
[Uploaded by evmsynths2000] |
|  | Others | For non-SynthEdit but related files
[Uploaded by ikaldor] |
|  | GUIBUG | Gui bug found in Orion & Receptor
[Uploaded by watawaste] |
|  | Syntheditmasterguy's Piano's | I will be posting my Piano VST's in this folder
[Uploaded by syntheditmasterguy] |
|  | SE Creations SE1 _______ | JP SE Se1 Files Testers & Info
[Uploaded by jamespearl101] |
|  | Stereo Multi Oscillator | Multiwave Stereo Oscillator with the famous Supersaw included
[Uploaded by mastrcode] |
|  | Pitch Bend Noise | noise/ clipping during pitchbending
[Uploaded by synthipippo86] |
|  | SynthWizards | projects created in Synthedit "missing skins'
[Uploaded by methypox] |
|  | se1 Synths Ready For Use_ | Put any .se1 or .zip files of Synth Edit synths in here. Note-This doesn't include VSTs
[Uploaded by phatsynthguy] |
|  | SWAV | S-Wave format Modules
[Uploaded by ralph.cronin] |
|  | se1 Effects ready to use | SE isn't just for synths! (note: se1 files only no VSTs)
[Uploaded by zillamarc] |
|  | Example sounds | Show here your soundexamples of the vst's you've made :) The synthedit samplebank!
[Uploaded by sirsicksik] |
|  | Skins | Skin files for SynthEdit projects.
[Uploaded by collusioninc] |
|  | Pauls Graphics N .se1 files | some of my SE stuff that might be useful
[Uploaded by paulmartin505] |
|  | various pictures (or files) about the last SE bugs | sorry I cannot upload pictures in topics, Yahoo bugs...
[Uploaded by kx77vst] |
|  | Collaborate_ | SynthEdit Users Group collaborative projects
[Uploaded by collusioninc] |
|  | Temp | Temp stuff only please
[Uploaded by evmsynths2000] |
|  | Beginners Project Sharing area | This folder is for the people who are new to synthedit and want to Show what they made to the world ;)
[Uploaded by syntheditmasterguy] |
|  | Betas and Testers | This is for SynthEdit users to help others during a synths lifecycle
[Uploaded by resofactor] |
|  | UPLOADED MODULES | upload and download all your useful modules it will help everybody
[Uploaded by 4lwfywbrk77ub6zde4gsani3wppfsmhtlmoatyeu] |
|  | SE Translate | Use your own language as SE menu language
[Uploaded by vesperain] |
|  | Prefabs | Useful prebuilt modules for SynthEdit projects.
[Uploaded by collusioninc] |
|  | Attachment | Yahoo does not store email attachments any more - store them here!
[Uploaded by timosandholm] |
|  | Pan_As_Pitch__Width.se1 | 'Pan as pitch' example with a width knob.
[Uploaded by mbreges] |
|  | monomix.zip | 1 in 2 out
[Uploaded by ikaldor] |
|  | Synthipippo86 Bsp 2x3 Display.rar | 3x2 Display WITHOUT PatchMems; WHERE should I drop the PatchMems, that the PatchAutomator recognizes the right constallation saved in the patch ??!?
[Uploaded by synthipippo86] |
|  | Tramp4.zip | 4 Operator FM Synth.. somewhere between DX7 and TX81z.. Includes several custom made modules.. ( 4 level EG's - 8 Algorithm 4 osc module.... keyboard scaler..LFO with delay.. etc) Read the included text files for more info. Enjoy.. Butch
[Uploaded by littlebossman2000] |
|  | _ _ FILE AREA USAGE NOTICE _ _ | [Uploaded by collusioninc] |
|  | conceptual advancement.se1 | a conseptual model
[Uploaded by skunkworksben] |
|  | LFO.se1 | A feature rich LFO prefab I made. Any bug reports or tips would be good. It uses SE_VOLTS for the rate ("Pitch")
[Uploaded by lusseberg] |
|  | KX-MidiSel.zip | A simple midi selector with an All Note Off send when you select the output (to avoid blocked midi notes)
[Uploaded by kx77vst] |
|  | DelayModValues.se1 | A table of values for Delay to be in tempo with the host program
[Uploaded by mbreges] |
|  | KeyCalc.zip | A Util to calc SE voltage, Freq & Midi value from given Key. FREE
[Uploaded by greeffbf] |
|  | jull_arphonez.se1 | arp modul
[Uploaded by y_riyadi] |
|  | compressor.zip | audioiain's compressor se1
[Uploaded by audioiain] |
|  | arpeggiator.zip | Auto-triggering arpeggiator
[Uploaded by rbrooks2006] |
|  | Delay.se1 | basic stereo sync delay
[Uploaded by mbreges] |
|  | SC-7 TXT-files SEs Mainfolder.zip | Belongs to the SC7 Editor.
[Uploaded by audiosaucer] |
|  | button_stack_1.0.zip | Button stack example made with sub-controls.
[Uploaded by mbreges] |
|  | Colored Peak Meters.rar | Colored Peak Meters
[Uploaded by djtransmatic] |
|  | DH_SysXTool working BETA.zip | Dave Haupts SysEx Tool
[Uploaded by audiosaucer] |
|  | DH_BooleanAnd.png | DH_BooleanAnd - screenshot from website
[Uploaded by danot73] |
|  | DH_BooleanAnd_buggy.jpg | DH_BooleanAnd - screenshot when placed in SE1.1860
[Uploaded by danot73] |
|  | EMS VCO1.se1 | EMS type Variable hysteresis audio VCO
[Uploaded by rbrooks2006] |
|  | LimitListChoices.zip | Example of comma limited list choices
[Uploaded by poly4tune] |
|  | SC7 Editor.zip | Example use of DH_SysEx, DH_MIDILister etc. Includes Skinfile.
[Uploaded by audiosaucer] |
|  | WaveCalc 1.0.zip | Expression calc which saves the curve in a .wav file
[Uploaded by ikaldor] |
|  | jull_flipflop.se1 | flip flop
[Uploaded by y_riyadi] |
|  | GijsMyFM.zip | Fmonizer -make 2osc's modulate on "freqentie and or amplutide bases" sounds AdlibFmish see the disclaimer and HelpMe picture for info
[Uploaded by gdm_seluve] |
|  | Knob Demo.rar | How to skin knobs differently and how to animate knobs via a external trigger
[Uploaded by mchannemann] |
|  | LED selector.zip | LED selector
[Uploaded by rbrooks2006] |
|  | Icha_Loop.zip | Loop For(x) Equation, uses EVM Logic Modules and DH- Match & Min Gates
[Uploaded by ichadc12] |
|  | MIDI_Switches.se1 | MIDI switches 2>1 and 1>2
[Uploaded by mbreges] |
|  | Ungated_Sample-And-Hold.sep | Old (2003) S/H module by Thorben Schulte.
[Uploaded by audiosaucer] |
|  | DH_BreakpointInput.sem | Old DH_BreakpointInput v1.0.2+
[Uploaded by audiosaucer] |
|  | Pitch Divide 2.se1 | Pitch Divider test
[Uploaded by badoeynhausen2002] |
|  | xFaCe8.zip | randum8
[Uploaded by notch2notch] |
|  | Re-Op1.PNG | Re-Op1 FM Bass Mono Synth
[Uploaded by jamespearl101] |
|  | Re-Op1 V1.PNG | Re-Op1 Update / Skinned with Rectangles Only :)
[Uploaded by jamespearl101] |
|  | loWLfo2.zip | rebuild thinking synthedit :D
[Uploaded by notch2notch] |
|  | 4 Sub-controls CPU TEST.se1 | Render to VST: Run CPU test by automating the 4 sub-control simultaneously
[Uploaded by plutoniq9] |
|  | stepseq_v0.902.rar | Rozzer Step Machine is midi loop sequencer, in the style of a classic analog step sequencer.
[Uploaded by methypnox] |
|  | Relaxation.se1 | Sawtooth to relaxation oscillator waveform convertor.
[Uploaded by rbrooks2006] |
|  | Synthedit-for-bookexamples.zip | Schoffenhauzer_Haupt Wizoo book examples
[Uploaded by synthipippo86] |
|  | setup.exe | SE 1.1 setup
[Uploaded by mbreges] |
|  | se_v1.1xxx_backup_cleaner.bat | SE v1.1 backup cleaner, delete "backup" inside the current folder AND sub-folder
[Uploaded by opsis_novaflash] |
|  | 8stepseq.se1 | simple 8 step sequencer
[Uploaded by mbreges] |
|  | soloing.se1 | Solo and Mute button from drum seq
[Uploaded by ginocote] |
|  | low lfo.zip | synced lfo no osc
[Uploaded by notch2notch] |
|  | Knob_Number.zip | this knob show number as frames
[Uploaded by y_riyadi] |
|  | FX Processing.rar | TMatic FX Processing Unit
[Uploaded by djtransmatic] |
|  | Pitch Divide.se1 | Traditional footage divider
[Uploaded by brooks.richard2008] |
|  | RunBeerRunExcite.zip | Treble exciter SE 1.0
[Uploaded by runbeerrun] |
|  | socket.se1 | Uncontainerize - Socket
[Uploaded by efmsynth] |
|  | Unison XB-EVM.zip | Unison example using unison fix with standard SE modules. Originally by EWM modified modified by xenobioz
[Uploaded by xenobioz] |
|  | PitchSplitterV2V3.zip | Update Versions of PitchSplitter.. less CPU usage.. See SE files to see how to use them...
[Uploaded by littlebossman2000] |
|  | Pan_As_Pitch.se1 | using pitch as modulation source for panorama
[Uploaded by mbreges] |
|  | voltmeter.zip | voltmeter prefab + skin
[Uploaded by y_riyadi] |
[Uploaded by ibalthor] |
|  | vcredist_x86.exe | works for SE 1.1 on XP SP2
[Uploaded by mbreges] |