|  | Go up | .. |
|  | _Selective Showing | Limiting Choices & Visibility
[Uploaded by greeffbf] |
|  | Ben's prefabs | Random non basic fx I come up with
[Uploaded by benalthauser] |
|  | Buncs Prefabs | misc prefabs
[Uploaded by buncanm] |
|  | CC4 prefabs | subcontrol examples, glissando, and more
[Uploaded by tvperson] |
|  | chinkialprefabs | daft stuff
[Uploaded by chinkial] |
|  | DDR | DestraDecibelResearch
[Uploaded by methypnox] |
|  | Dom's Prefabs | Any stuff I make
[Uploaded by aversanomusic] |
|  | Iain's Prefabs | Compressors/Limiters and more
[Uploaded by audioiain] |
|  | JoBro Media prefabs | Some of JoBro Media / True Software Teams prefabs.
[Uploaded by johan_brodd2000] |
|  | Klanglabs - Prefabs | Source projects and prefabs
[Uploaded by matias_monteagudo] |
|  | kryos777 prefabs | useful stuff from gabriel (spoonboiler)
[Uploaded by kryos777] |
|  | MV's Pitch Extractor | Audio pitch extraction based on delay and cancellation
[Uploaded by martinvicanek] |
|  | Pippo's Prefabs | [Uploaded by synthipippo86] |
|  | Plutoniq Prefabs | [Uploaded by plutoniq9] |
|  | Saltline | Prefabs
[Uploaded by tedkanashi] |
|  | Sean's Effect Bank | Effects build with CK, AF and DH's module
[Uploaded by seanphilipsus] |
|  | Sequencer Prefabs | sequencer methods and components
[Uploaded by k9k9dog] |
|  | SirSickSik | Prefabs made by SirSickSik, such as 4to1 signal morph, patchmorph, preset-abled knobs (next to the patch-select module) and voltage-cable bundler. as long as you get a lot more in less time ;)
[Uploaded by sirsicksik] |
|  | Some Useful Prefabs | assorted prefabs
[Uploaded by k9k9dog] |
|  | Steve D's Prefabs | Prefabs created by Steve Duell
[Uploaded by rubik909] |
|  | stk prefabs | bits from arcDev Noise Industries
[Uploaded by bindingvoid] |
|  | 12_Pulse_Train.se1 | generates a 12-pulse train upon receiving gate signal. Created by DiVerSe for Dr. Ambient
[Uploaded by eshpar] |
|  | 12_Pulse_Train_B.se1 | 12_Pulse_Train with low cpu
[Uploaded by y_riyadi] |
|  | 20radiobuttons.se1 | 20 radio buttons
[Uploaded by warlandr01] |
|  | 3_radio_buttons.se1 | radio buttons (sub-controls)
[Uploaded by mbreges] |
|  | 3_way_button.zip | control 3 destinations with just one button animated triply, requires Triggerator (introduced in beta 1.1893), DH_MouseDetector, DH_FloatSplitter, DH_ModuleKey and KDL_GUIFloat2GUIFloat modules
[Uploaded by bayantheone] |
|  | 4_Band_Cross-Over.se1 | Cross-Over for splitting a signal into four frequency bands
[Uploaded by platinumears2002] |
|  | 4chan_mute-solo.zip | soloing / muting drums
[Uploaded by mbreges] |
|  | 5 Octave Range Switch.zip | A 2 up, 2 down octave switch for use with oscillators, wave file players, and filters working at 1 Volt per Octave. Unzip to your Synthedit/prefabs folder. The module should appear in your Insert>Controls menu when you restart SynthEdit
[Uploaded by toda_v] |
|  | 8_Band_Cross-Over_test.se1 | Cross-Over to split signal into 8 bands
[Uploaded by platinumears2002] |
|  | 8_step_sequencers.zip | 2 analogue style 8-step sequencers, one has CV and Gate outputs, the other Trigger/Gate outputs.
[Uploaded by collusioninc] |
|  | 8stage_env.se1 | [Uploaded by guidogoe] |
|  | 8stepbutton.zip | an 8 step button for switching page panels & outputs voltage at the same time
[Uploaded by psi_lus] |
|  | additive.se1 | 12 partial additive synth by Pilchard, contains frequency conversion formula by chris_b
[Uploaded by fat_ass_tk] |
|  | AGC Compressor.se1 | This is revised version based on audioiain's wonderful work, I changed it into stereo and delete peak meter. But I hope it could be less CPU usage.
[Uploaded by seanphilipus] |
|  | alpha_grid_8x8.rar | a 8x8 grid display feature emulation with 4 opacity steps
[Uploaded by opsis_novaflash] |
|  | Animated JoystickIn.zip | .se1 demo of controlling SE on-screen Joystick module with DH's Joystick In module
[Uploaded by dhaupt72] |
|  | ASDR Monostable.se1 | A different version of SE's monostable, useful for controlling ASDR times (e.g. Sustain Length if you feed it into an ASDR's Gate input). Pulse Length is on the same TimeCent scale as an ASDR. Supports retriggering - when triggered, outputs a very short (1ms) 0V pulse before going high again. Put it in Prefabs->Logic.
[Uploaded by karlheinznoise] |
|  | AutoPanner.se1 | LFO driven auto-panner with waveform, rate and depth controls - updated 20/10/05
[Uploaded by andywanders] |
|  | BalanceControl.zip | An alternative to the standard SE Pan module, for those who're having trouble using it in their designs. Requires Pan modulation input to be -5/+5 in range.
[Uploaded by collusioninc] |
|  | BASE_1.se1 | Base- and Pan-Extender for manipulation of a stereo-signal
[Uploaded by franky9900] |
|  | BASE_AP.se1 | Base-extender with Allpass...have fun franky
[Uploaded by franky9900] |
|  | Bass_Boost.zip | Stereo Bass Boost using SV filters
[Uploaded by platinumears2002] |
|  | BassAmpSim.rar | Bass Amp Sim
[Uploaded by runbeerrun] |
|  | BellzNWhistlez.zip | Bellz N Whistlez Monophonic FM Synth
[Uploaded by stmpbmpl] |
|  | BIG STEREO CHORUS.se1 | BIG STEREO CHORUS: chorus with 4 waveforms and 4 delay. Plug and play. Try it and give me feedback :)
[Uploaded by ginocote] |
|  | bool_toggle.se1 | every other button click outputs different bool value, KDL_Volts2GuiBool module required
[Uploaded by bayantheone] |
|  | BPM Pulse Clock.zip | simple analog pulse clock counted by beats per minute (knob). Unzip to your Synthedit/prefabs folder. The module should appear in your Insert>Waveform menu when you restart SynthEdit.
[Uploaded by toda_v] |
|  | BPM synced LFO.se1 | This is no true MIDI clock but rather an analog pulse clock.
[Uploaded by mortiance] |
|  | BPM to Delay update.se1 | Update, BPM host to delay time conversion prefab, based on PJ "BPMtoDelay"
[Uploaded by matias_monteagudo] |
|  | BPM to Delay.se1 | BPM host to delay time conversion prefab, based on PJ "BPMtoDelay" module, thanks to him for giving me the formula.
[Uploaded by matias_monteagudo] |
|  | BPMsyncLFO.zip | Host-Synced LFO Container. See READ ME file for details.
[Uploaded by bones121058] |
|  | button_pages.zip | 3 paged button stack using new sub-controls
[Uploaded by steve_hamann] |
|  | Bypass.zip | a simple Stereo bypass switch
[Uploaded by dazmusic2000] |
|  | casio-noise.se1 | Casio CZ Noise Waveform Generator
[Uploaded by synthedit] |
|  | central readout2.zip | Counterpart to popup readout - central readout many knob values linked to a central display
[Uploaded by poly4tune] |
|  | Chorus-Ensemble.zip | A mono input - stereo output Chorus/Ensemble type effect. Unzip the files to your Synthedit/prefabs/Effects directory.
[Uploaded by collusioninc] |
|  | CK_PingPongDly.zip | BPM-Synced Ping-Pong delay with filtering for feedback path. Uses CK_Dly module.
[Uploaded by platinumears2002] |
|  | Counter.zip | Counts up or down in user-definable increments
[Uploaded by platinumears2002] |
|  | cross mod.zip | cross modulated osc
[Uploaded by resofactor] |
|  | Custom_file_dialog.zip | Skinnable file dialog using new subcontrols using v.0.9540
[Uploaded by steve_hamann] |
|  | custom_osc.zip | draw your own waveforms!!! (12 steps)
[Uploaded by thepieman_2002] |
|  | CVSEQ16_DrA_2.zip | Another example of a 16 step CV-Sequencer
[Uploaded by guidogoe] |
|  | dbl-click_reset.se1 | the latest structure (KDL modules http://www.rubyhex.com/synthedit/ )
[Uploaded by mbreges] |
|  | dbl-clicker.se1 | Double-clicking shows/hides the hint (with gui modules step counter)
[Uploaded by mbreges] |
|  | Deep Screw Filta.se1 | Multipole Multifilter with velocity sensitivity. A basic extension of other prefabs. Might speed things up.
[Uploaded by kenneth_harte] |
|  | delaynoskin.se1 | [Uploaded by erici44] |
|  | DH Button MIDI Keyboard.zip | Button to MIDI Note and MIDI Octave Selector Prefabs
[Uploaded by dhaupt72] |
|  | DH_OmniStepper-Demo.se1 | Sequencer made with DH_Omnistepper by UnderTow
[Uploaded by uppertow] |
|  | DH_quantised_knob.se1 | using a lot of DH modules to make the knob 'steppy' , change the multiplier text2
[Uploaded by angstrom_000] |
|  | Down&UpDown_Counters.ZIP | Binary Down and Up/Down Counter prefabs. Also a full 8 Bit binary adder and binary display with decimal conversion.
[Uploaded by zip_oleighter] |
|  | DrA_Sequencers.zip | 3 triggersequencer prefabs (8,16 and 32 steps), using a stepcounter and some AND gates, plus a 16 step CVsequencer.
[Uploaded by guidogoe] |
|  | Dual Pitch Wheel.zip | This control allow you to set up a variable mode pitch bend wheel.Like modern keyboards, you can set different range for up and down wheel. Else you can activate, using CC04 (Foot Pedal) another bend range like ribbons.
[Uploaded by axiombass] |
|  | DVS_Animation.se1 | Once triggerred, plays an animation file at a selected rate.
[Uploaded by eshpar] |
|  | DVS_Binary_Translator.se1 | Translates decimal to 15-bit binary number (so decimal range is 0 to 32,767). Created by DiVerSe for plutoniq9
[Uploaded by eshpar] |
|  | DVS_CrossOver.se1 | 3-band crossover with selectable steepness of filter, and no phase-differences between bands: mixing them back together would result in the same signal as the source
[Uploaded by eshpar] |
|  | DVS_detuner.se1 | a fake-unison/detuner prefab.
[Uploaded by eshpar] |
|  | DVS_Equal.se1 | If inA=inB outputs C, if not - outputs zero. Includes an "accuracy slider" for "approximately equal"
[Uploaded by eshpar] |
|  | DVS_If-Then-Else.se1 | If - Then - Else prefab (ersae the sliders before you save in your prefab folder - they're in there for demonstration only)
[Uploaded by eshpar] |
|  | DVS_Image_Click.se1 | Push the button to make the Image appear/disappear
[Uploaded by eshpar] |
|  | DVS_Limit.se1 | A basic limiter/warper. "Limit" gets values from 0-10 Volts.
[Uploaded by eshpar] |
|  | DVS_Non-Perfect-Square.se1 | Made for Max Fazio - a non-perfect-square oscillator.
[Uploaded by eshpar] |
|  | DVS_Phase_Meter.zip | Translates decimal to 15-bit binary number (so decimal range is 0 to 32,767). Created by DiVerSe for plutoniq9
[Uploaded by eshpar] |
|  | DVS_random-lfo.se1 | Generates random-level LFO. "Random-level" means: Each time the lfo crosses the zero line, it willpeak at a different level.
[Uploaded by eshpar] |
|  | DVS_Release_Gate.se1 | It will transmit a 10 volt pulse when note is Released (to trigger "release sounds")
[Uploaded by eshpar] |
|  | DVS_Scale_Select.se1 | You select key and minor/major scale - prefab will output boolean values for each note: T=included in scale, F=not included. Also features manual editing of scales. Needs DH_subcontrol_pak_1 and KDL's convertors.
[Uploaded by eshpar] |
|  | DVS_Slope-Dependant.se1 | Outputs the signal or a constant value - depending on the slope rising/falling
[Uploaded by eshpar] |
|  | EnvelopeOsc.zip | Unusual Osc, made from a looped ADSR
[Uploaded by ikaldor] |
|  | evm_keyboard_map.zip | Maps keyboard pitches to MIDI. For making custom graphic keyboards.
[Uploaded by evmsynths2000] |
|  | Exponential Response ADSR.zip | An example of putting a response curve on the slopes of an envelope. Includes exponential and reverse exponential curves.
[Uploaded by toda_v] |
|  | Factory.se1 | imagine you stand in a factory ;-) ok this file is nonsense but its fun to play around with.
[Uploaded by fhrdh] |
|  | Fat-Ass-Driv3.se1 | Driv3 distortion algo - Interesting hard shaping algo, sort of a frequency doubler also. It does sound filthy :)
[Uploaded by fat_ass_tk] |
|  | FindNotes.zip | Finds the pitch for each note while one holds a chord
[Uploaded by ikaldor] |
|  | Flip Flop.se1 | No Feedback Delay - Flip Flop
[Uploaded by efmsynth] |
|  | FlipFlopPan.se1 | A Dual alternative Hard Pan gated prefab with sterreo spead
[Uploaded by unkargherth] |
|  | FMExample.zip | Updated example of 6op FM synth
[Uploaded by mattpinchin] |
|  | fmonosynth.zip | A monophonic, four operator fm synth with 30 presets and low cpu usage.
[Uploaded by mandiblais] |
|  | gate-hold.se1 | Holds gate signal at +5V until reset.
[Uploaded by efmsynth] |
|  | GC BYPASS ZERO = FX OFF.se1 | Kind of FX bypass, when your FX Vol. knob is to zero the FX is OFF. I did this to limit CPU usage when a FX is not in use.
[Uploaded by ginocote] |
|  | GC complexchoices.se1 | Complex choices: Multiple ways to choose from list entry
[Uploaded by ginocote] |
|  | GC DOUBLING.se1 | Doubling FX. If you want to widening your sound try this one
[Uploaded by ginocote] |
|  | GC HORIZONTAL BUTTON STACK.se1 | GC Horizontal bouton stack with a optional drop down list to show the choice and a optional choice limiter
[Uploaded by ginocote] |
|  | GC HP LP ONE KNOB.se1 | One knob control LP or HP filter
[Uploaded by ginocote] |
|  | GC Panel Switch _ Volts Switch.se1 | One buton Panel Switch + Volts Switch
[Uploaded by ginocote] |
|  | GuitarAmpSim.rar | Guitar Amp Sim
[Uploaded by runbeerrun] |
|  | GuitarSynth.rar | Basic guitar synth prefab
[Uploaded by runbeerrun] |
|  | HAHDSR-envelope.zip | Envelope generator with "delay" and "Hold" -values Using_Dehaupt_EnvSeg
[Uploaded by elfheart1974] |
|  | hats.zip | close hat mutes open hat
[Uploaded by mbreges] |
|  | Horizontal switch.se1 | Here is a set of switches that switch panels and output a voltage for each. Only 1 switch can be on at a time. Once a switch is on it can only be turned off by selecting a different one. Be careful when editing as this can have unexpected results. Matt
[Uploaded by mattpinchin] |
|  | JChorus.se1 | Nice smooth Chorus, easy on CPU
[Uploaded by watawaste] |
|  | Keyfollower.zip | Keyfollower to manipulate e.g. Attack and Decay depending on Keyboard Note. Adjustable (pos/neg) Amount and Keyboard Keys. Centered on middle C.
[Uploaded by steinund] |
|  | latching switch.zip | Latching switches using sample N hold ZIP
[Uploaded by digimanse] |
|  | Legato.zip | Legato prefab w/ low and high note priority and portamento, uses Dave Haupt's Min and Max
[Uploaded by mkjnovak] |
|  | LFO-Sync.se1 | BPM-synced LFO with Sine, Saw, Ramp, Tri, Pulse, S&H, and Key Hold, all chosen via one switch.
[Uploaded by karlheinznoise] |
|  | LFO_Control_Switch.zip | Switch between BPM synced & free running LFO rates, with paged controls
[Uploaded by platinumears2002] |
|  | LFO_Dly.zip | Delays or fades in modulation using standard modules
[Uploaded by platinumears2002] |
|  | lfo_range_control.se1 | Component which controls the maximum and minimum values of an LFOs output
[Uploaded by chris_b_001] |
|  | Linkwitz-Riley x-over.zip | 12db/Oct 3-Band Linkwitz-Riley Crossover
[Uploaded by aainslie] |
|  | LL-Dot Matrix Display.zip | This is a Display that will interact to music or a slider in pattrens. Also the bitmaps or included.
[Uploaded by djleroy432] |
|  | load_dialog.se1 | Use any picture as a load icon, instead of the windows folder icon
[Uploaded by angstrom_000] |
|  | manualBPMsyncedLFO.zip | 3 waveforms LFO manualy sync to Tempo, can someone PLS help transform this into using BPM Clock Module ?
[Uploaded by boykisserick] |
|  | max_Autopanner.se1 | [Uploaded by mbreges] |
|  | max_BPM_LFO.se1 | BPM_LFO
[Uploaded by mbreges] |
|  | MicrotonalTuner.zip | Microtonal tuner (for historic / non western temperaments) using only native modules.
[Uploaded by platinumears2002] |
|  | microtuner.zip | A variation on the 'Temperaments' prefab, this has fixed offsets so that zeroing all the detune values results in equal temperament, rather than a pythagorean scale.
[Uploaded by platinumears2002] |
|  | MIDI automation setup.zip | in SE MIDI learn settings aren't saved with the patch, the workaround is to manually assign CC# through list and 3d party modules, this prefab showcases that, requires 'KDL Volts2MIDI', 'KDL MIDI2GuiFloat' and 'DH_MIDIFilter+' modules
[Uploaded by bayantheone] |
|  | MIDI CC Switch.se1 | CV to MIDI CC demonstration
[Uploaded by richrd_p] |
|  | MIDI Continuous CC.se1 | CV to MIDI CC demonstration
[Uploaded by richrd_p] |
|  | MIDI_KBD_SEmodules.zip | custom MIDI keyboard
[Uploaded by mbreges] |
|  | MIDI_KBD_SEmodules_v1.1.zip | [Uploaded by mbreges] |
|  | MIDI_Keyboard (kirtan-3d).zip | 5 Octave Skinned Keyboard (MIDI) using "evm_keyboard_map" provided by evmsynths2000.
[Uploaded by aryankirtan] |
|  | MIDI_Note_Learn.zip | Required modules can be found here: http://www.dehaupt.com/SynthEdit/semodules.htm
[Uploaded by mbreges] |
|  | MIDI_trigger.se1 | Midi Pitch CV filter
[Uploaded by tranceinstitute2004] |
|  | Mode Switch.se1 | One button to cycle through mono re-trigger on, mono re-trigger off, and polyphonic modes. Connect to the MIDI to CV module. Updated 20/10/05
[Uploaded by andywanders] |
|  | MP Wave.se1 | Re perfect oscillator
[Uploaded by mattpinchin] |
|  | Muilti-Filter.se1 | 12-24-36-dbfilter
[Uploaded by ianwebster123] |
|  | Multimeter for Synthedit.zip | A handy little gadget for measuring signals wherever needed. Made primarily for the design phase. Unzip to your Synthedit/prefabs folder. The module should appear in your Insert>Special menu when you restart SynthEdit.
[Uploaded by toda_v] |
|  | MultiWaveSQ80.zip | Multi waveform osc
[Uploaded by crossingwires63] |
|  | MV_ShepardOscillator.se1 | MV's Shepard oscillator project ("endless glissando")
[Uploaded by martinvicanek] |
|  | My_Leslie.se1 | This prefab shows how I obtain the Leslie effect inside the ORGANized vst tonewheel organ ( download it at http://www.soundfonts.it/vst/ORGANized ).
[Uploaded by ziokiller] |
|  | Noise Selector.se1 | can select just white or pink noise
[Uploaded by the_arketype] |
|  | NStepCounterbeta.ZIP | Per a discussion on dividing clocks. Requires at least version .092. Select between divide by 1 through divide by 8.
[Uploaded by zip_oleighter] |
|  | number breakdown.se1 | Breaks a variable number down into # of one's, ten's, hundred's, thousands, ten-thousand's
[Uploaded by plutoniq9] |
|  | OL_fofexample.se1 | FOF synthesis example
[Uploaded by oli_larkin] |
|  | OL_linksliders.zip | prefab using subcontrols for linked sliders
[Uploaded by oli_larkin] |
|  | Output router.se1 | Select between 2 paged panels with one button. Also re routes the input between 2 outputs.
[Uploaded by mattpinchin] |
|  | Output router2.se1 | Same as output router but for stereo sources. ie 2 in 4 out
[Uploaded by mattpinchin] |
|  | Overdubbin` Loopa.zip | A quick prefab using a delay and sampler to create an overdubbing loop. READ THE README BEFORE RUNNING. Unzip to your Synthedit/prefabs folder. The module should appear in your Insert>Effects menu when you restart SynthEdit
[Uploaded by toda_v] |
|  | Overtones.se1 | Generate the 1st 32 overtones from sine
[Uploaded by ikaldor] |
|  | Pan_reset.zip | Pan slider centred by button action - proof of concept using sub-controls
[Uploaded by steve_hamann] |
|  | Par_Sat_Assym.zip | Assymetric Parabolic Saturation, ported from Sync Modular
[Uploaded by platinumears2002] |
|  | ParSat(x-mix).zip | Parabolic Saturator (x-mix way)
[Uploaded by ikaldor] |
|  | parsat.zip | parabolic saturator, ported from SynC Modular
[Uploaded by ikaldor] |
|  | patch select.se1 | Selects patches via controls on GUI. KDL_GUIList2MIDI module required.
[Uploaded by mbreges] |
|  | peak_meter_with_reset.zip | stock SE Peak meter prefab with latched peak indicator & reset. Requires KDL_Volts2GUIBool module. Not sure whether it suits all applications of level metering. See for yourself.
[Uploaded by bayantheone] |
|  | PF_LS138_example.se1 | Emulation of a 74LS138 (3 to 8 line demux)
[Uploaded by guidogoe] |
|  | PhaseShift.zip | Updated version of the former "PhaseDelay". Now also loads in official SE release.
[Uploaded by christg74] |
|  | PilchShifter.se1 | Simple Pitch shifter using CK Modules
[Uploaded by fat_ass_tk] |
|  | Pitch&Mod Wheel.se1 | Pitch wheel and Mod wheel, locking to MIDI keyboard controls, with position output.
[Uploaded by Grogmaster] |
|  | Pitch_Shifter.zip | Pitch scaler using the dual modulated delay line method. Scaling is primarily done on a semi-tone basis, but can also be fine tuned. Unzip the .se1 to prefabs/modifiers. [Requires U-MathEv module]
[Uploaded by mrlance123] |
|  | pop-up readout.zip | control readout is displayed as long as mouse is depressed, then disappears
[Uploaded by bayantheone] |
|  | Popup Menu with selection display.se1 | popup menu with selection display (SE 1.18 standard modules), to populate the menu list connect to 'Choice' and other 'multiple choices' (green) pins
[Uploaded by bayantheone] |
|  | postDawn_Random_CV_&_Tone_Generator.zip | there is no clock. randomness means out of control, near-completely. Unzip to your Synthedit/prefabs folder. The module should appear in your Insert>Waveform menu when you restart SynthEdit.
[Uploaded by toda_v] |
|  | Power of two.se1 | Detect if number is power of two (note: expects input to be integer)
[Uploaded by bjoern_nesby] |
|  | Prog_Change_Munge.zip | Example of sending program change message by CV using Dave Haupt's MIDI Munger module
[Uploaded by steve_hamann] |
|  | Prog_Change_Timed_Munge.zip | Timed program change triggered by held MIDI note in, uses Dave Haupt's MIDI Munger module
[Uploaded by steve_hamann] |
|  | PWM_repair.se1 | Keeps pulse width within -5v+5v range
[Uploaded by mbreges] |
|  | Random_CV_Generator.zip | A random CV generator module with rate control. Unzip to your Synthedit/prefabs folder. The module should appear in your Insert>Waveform menu when you restart SynthEdit.
[Uploaded by collusioninc] |
|  | RANDOMLIST1.se1 | Random List Values
[Uploaded by shovelglidefxe] |
|  | Reverb Se1.se1 | cheap se1 reverb
[Uploaded by christo732003] |
|  | Reverb Swicth.se1 | Simple Switch to On/off the UD-Reverb
[Uploaded by christo732003] |
|  | RhythmicGate.se1 | A 16-step Trance-Gate style effect
[Uploaded by bones121058] |
|  | RJ see saw filters.se1 | Example of see saw modules: folding the CV into saw and controlling BP filter to simulate high resonant filters
[Uploaded by jelliffe_rick] |
|  | RJ speed up chorus.se1 | Simple chorus with speed up/slow down and complex LFO
[Uploaded by jelliffe_rick] |
|  | RMS compressors examples.zip | Compressors based on RMS detector I posted - both functional, one simple and one more complicated.
[Uploaded by zillamarc] |
|  | RMS-Compressor_NoU-Math.zip | Marc's compressor design, modified to use standard modules instead of U-MathEv.
[Uploaded by platinumears2002] |
|  | rzs-chorus.zip | A simple chorus
[Uploaded by rammerzs] |
|  | rzs-FXPack1.zip | 7 effects. Stereo Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Rotator, 10Band eq, Vocoder and SupaDelay.
[Uploaded by rammerzs] |
|  | rzs-SOLA.zip | SOLA (Synchronous OverLap and Add) time stretching effect.
[Uploaded by rammerzs] |
|  | rzs-Stopwatch.zip | Simple stopwatch
[Uploaded by rammerzs] |
|  | rzs-WaveformDisplay.zip | Graphicaly controllable loop start and loop end settings, zoom and scroll functions.
[Uploaded by rammerzs] |
|  | scala-SE2.zip | Cleanup. Nicer Synth. Cmd-file for batch converting added.
[Uploaded by brblpscht] |
|  | Scale Quantizer.zip | Quantizes pitch signals to a range of diatonic scales, using standard modules
[Uploaded by platinumears2002] |
|  | Scope400x200.zip | Monitoring the full cycle of low pitched oscillators.
[Uploaded by phuturetone] |
|  | SeqTest15a.zip | Chord note sequencing with delay experiment
[Uploaded by dolphinconsultant] |
|  | sequential panels.zip | items are not mutually exclusive but opened in sequence one after another while previously opened ones stay visible
[Uploaded by bayantheone] |
|  | SF_stereowidth.se1 | stereo width control like in fruity loops
[Uploaded by sonicflash1980] |
|  | shift register prefab.zip | expandable shift register prefab, requires 'KDL Volts2GuiBool' module
[Uploaded by bayantheone] |
|  | slew limiter_modton.zip | portamento with ramp up/down
[Uploaded by amiga909] |
|  | sonicfire_lofi_effect.se1 | a simple but effective stereo LoFi effect with variable frequency
[Uploaded by sonicflash1980] |
|  | soundfont_osc_display_hidden.se1 | Soundfont Oscillator display partially hidden so that 'LOAD' button can only be seen.
[Uploaded by mbreges] |
|  | SR Flip Flop.se1 | Set/Reset Flip Flop (4013)
[Uploaded by efmsynth] |
|  | Station_Pad.zip | Simple SF osc synth sent with skin and se1 file. Also an example of how to put preset select, load and save in your VST's using the subpanel. Hope someone likes it please fill with SF's presets and send out as vst I have no good SF's
[Uploaded by crossingwires63] |
|  | stereo-xfade.se1 | Stereo x-fader
[Uploaded by efmsynth] |
|  | Stereo_Mono.zip | [Uploaded by crossingwires63] |
|  | StereoPanSet.se1 | A good sounfont to check the prefab is here: http://www.soundfonts.it/exec/zkdownload.pl?file=1115-Pad Wanderlust (652KB).zip
[Uploaded by mbreges] |
|  | stk_looping_env.se1 | Envelope with looping section, uses Davip Haup's EnvSeg & ms>Voltage modules. Req v0.9496
[Uploaded by bindingvoid] |
|  | stk_NoteSelect.se1 | Outputs pitch voltage determined by MIDI note / octave selected. Req v0.9496.
[Uploaded by bindingvoid] |
|  | Supressing artefacts on patch switching.zip | 4 supressing artefacts on patch switching uses LP patch pulse and SC:Slewer modules
[Uploaded by poly4tune] |
|  | SV_4Pole.zip | 2 cascaded SV filters with gain compensation & "analogue modelling"
[Uploaded by platinumears2002] |
|  | SV_4Pole_LP_Sat.zip | 2 SV filters arranged as 4 pole LP with distortion
[Uploaded by platinumears2002] |
|  | Tap Tempo.zip | Bonefish Sam's tap tempo prefab
[Uploaded by jimi_stravinsky] |
|  | Tarrabia_Filter.zip | Filter calculated with standard modules and CK_SampleRate. Also requires David Haupt's Biquad module. Mono and Stereo versions, plus a small demo synth.
[Uploaded by platinumears2002] |
|  | tb_ccrandomize.se1 | tweakbench cc randomzier module
[Uploaded by neonarcade] |
|  | tb_pansticks.se1 | tweakbench stereo control joysticks
[Uploaded by neonarcade] |
|  | tb_phase.se1 | tweakbench phase modifier module
[Uploaded by neonarcade] |
|  | tg_terminal.se1 | Connection Terminal
[Uploaded by efmsynth] |
|  | trigger pulse at value change (native modules).zip | outputs a pulse when there's a change in value, what Guido Scognamiglio's 'Muter' and DH_ControlTrigger mods do, but with native mods. Among other things applicable to sample auditioning at selection of a file from a list
[Uploaded by bayantheone] |
|  | triple-click.se1 | [Uploaded by mbreges] |
|  | tube.se1 | Module to mimic tube distortion - no filters
[Uploaded by karlheinznoise] |
|  | Tuned_CKDelay.zip | Tuned delay line using CK_Delay and Volt2Freq
[Uploaded by platinumears2002] |
|  | tuner frefab.zip | prefab for alternative tuning
[Uploaded by ikaldor] |
|  | tuner prefab.zip | lets you tune each note individually
[Uploaded by ikaldor] |
|  | UD-REVERB WITH PREDELAY.zip | UD-REVERB with Predelay and on/off button. One with CK delay and the other with SE Delay2
[Uploaded by ginocote] |
|  | VCSwitch.se1 | Replacement for DH VC Switch
[Uploaded by dhaupt72] |
|  | Vector-Joystick.se1 | 4-Way Vector control from joystick based on matrix code posted by D. Haupt
[Uploaded by evmsynths2000] |
|  | Velocity Control.se1 | Velocity control with adjust
[Uploaded by andywanders] |
|  | VeloDADSR1.ZIP | Velocity Controllable DADSR prefab, with controls inside container for use as a sub-panel. Requires Version 0.942.2.
[Uploaded by zip_oleighter] |
|  | Wave Selector.se1 | select wave forms - excludes white and pink noise
[Uploaded by the_arketype] |
|  | waveView.zip | Real-time representation of audio with zoom in/out (see waveView in the photos section). A CPU killer so I'm not sure if it's really usable, but it's nice to know that it works :) NOTE: put the BMP and TXT files in default skin folder before openning the SE1 file!
[Uploaded by eshpar] |
|  | wierd fabs.zip | note-memory and self-oscill filter
[Uploaded by ikaldor] |
|  | X-Mod Osc.se1 | xmodosc
[Uploaded by resofactor] |
|  | zerosetdelay.se1 | double delay with centre point led and set bettun
[Uploaded by erici44] |