Synthedit Users files and photos archive.

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alt textadjacent_triggers.zipuses DH midimunger to remap drum triggers onto 15 adjacent keys

[Uploaded by kff25xo]
alt textal_pling.zippling file used as example with 17-tone octave keyboard tuning

[Uploaded by kff25xo]
alt textblock.zipanalog drum sounds module

[Uploaded by kff25xo]
alt textbox.zipsimple probability automatic drummer

[Uploaded by kff25xo]
alt textbreathcube.zipalgorithmic singing song generator

[Uploaded by kff25xo]
alt textformantshifter.zipi no lie i tell truth

[Uploaded by kff25xo]
alt'limiter' by performing 1/n above threshold

[Uploaded by kff25xo]
alt textlimiteridea.zipdivides amt past threshold by itself plus 1

[Uploaded by kff25xo]
alt textpling.zipkarplus-strong plucked string model with tube distortion emulation

[Uploaded by kff25xo]
alt textregula.zipmy regula va routine with digital distortion effect

[Uploaded by kff25xo]
alt textrevos.zipalgorithmic percussion patterner

[Uploaded by kff25xo]
alt[Uploaded by kff25xo]
alt textsixdrum.zip6 part midi triggered drums, nothing fancy

[Uploaded by kff25xo]
alt textsmokyjoe.zipnasty waveframe capturing formant shifter

[Uploaded by kff25xo]
alt textspinner2.ziprotating panner/reverb with x-y coordinate rotation

[Uploaded by kff25xo]
alt textsteps.ziphammerhead ported to se

[Uploaded by kff25xo]
alt texttemperaments.ziploads of prefab temperaments, ~44? 12-tone, 20 odd other + 17-tone pythag. for maqamat

[Uploaded by kff25xo]
alt'rompler' synth using a single wavefile

[Uploaded by kff25xo]

- 1 folders - 18 files - 580.59 KB - - dir_listing_statistics