Synthedit Users files and photos archive. Display nameDescription Go up.. a1fc.rarThis is my second synth on my first day as registered Synthedit user, it's fairly brutal, and there are no presets. I created a good song with it, though![Uploaded by bachelorherd] conceptual advancement.se1a conceptual model[Uploaded by skunkworksben] Dyno.dllMy very first keyboard. I need help with resizing panel...[Uploaded by amircefo89] Fairytale.dllSynthesizer[Uploaded by heartofnarinja] Fourier.se1My first program ever. Synthesizes using harmonics. VSTi ready.[Uploaded by chironex20x6] KAswitch2V2a.se1Stereo audio switcher[Uploaded by bucodi] mothman_1000.se1This is my first synth with synthedit called mothman_1000. Its analog / PD synthesis. Fairly simple, but has 24 presets, and cabible of some good tones. Working on a better skin.[Uploaded by shulaka1] murDeR Machine.se1murDeR Machine - 8-channel drum machine[Uploaded by Grogmaster] RobiSynth 0_3.zipRobiSynth 0.3[Uploaded by helios_das] stagehand by paul martin.pngMy Solo Artist live on stage player/mixer.[Uploaded by paul704788] Test [B 01].se1Simple Soundfont Output Patch[Uploaded by therearenoidsleftatall] waldorf in container.se1Control midi-parameter 69 with synthedit[Uploaded by jr129s] yayforfilters.se1A fun filter.. I made something similar at home. Sounds killer on drums.[Uploaded by twocircuits] actions choose an actionDownload selected items as an ZIP archive (only files) - 1 folders - 13 files - 6.07 MB - - dir_listing_statistics