License agreement: =============== By downloading any file from this folder you've accepted the following license agreement. 1. The prefabs are delivered "AS IS". They are available for your private usage. Modified / extended versions ought to be uploaded in this directory so all can acces 'em. 2. There are no warranty what so ever that these prefabs will work. 3. In the about box you have to put in the following text. is powered by prefabs by JoBro Media. where is replaced with your synth's name. 4. If you have any plans what so ever on releasing your synth for profit including but not limited to, selling it as shareware, distrubuting it on magazine cd's, a fee of €50 should be donated to JoBro Media via the donation url supplied in the synthedit usergroup. Freeware synths / effects don't need this donation to be cleared by me.