Here is a listing of my custom modules available from the Files/Modules/RJ_Modules directory in this Yahoo group. (They may also move to that new CMS site.) I hope they give you pleasure. They are free, with no implied warranty of quality fitness for purpose. If you use them in a VST, please credit me in the typical way. Cheers Rick Jelliffe **** MUST HAVES **** RJ_FILTER 3 =========== Description: More than thirty different low-pass filters, most of which also have high-pass variants. Resonance. "Zing" pin adjusts resonance response to frequency. Select two to five stages (poles) for the output, and two to five stages for resonance. All filters have two variants: analog modeling and "fast". All filters have two implemenations: 64-bit (clear) and 32-bit float (furry) but there is usually no difference. This is an updated version of RJ_FILTER 2 with more pins. CPU: Similar performance to SE Moog filter. Fewer poles and constant cutoff filter means less CPU. RJ_SLEEPER ========== Description: Copies input to output. Wake pin connected to VCA envelope generator allows sleep. Comment: Intended for use after components such as SE standard oscillators or LFOs that may not go to sleep. The sleeper does not make the oscillator sleep, but it can help the chain of subsequent connected components which otherwise might stay active and running. (RJ sleeper is strictly no needed: a multiplier, level adjuster, VCA or switch might have the same effect.) CPU: Small. Usually less expensive than other options. RJ_TEMPER ========= Features: Adjust each note in the octave by switchable number of short cents. "0" values for each note in the scale corresponds to modern equal temperament. Also converts portamento to glissando. "Root" switch selects the root of the scale on which the tuning is based. "Post" pin allows, for example, vibrato to be added after the tuning. Comment: Allows custom tuning, for example to reduce beating on fifths or to correspond with guitar tunings better. Short cents rather than full cents are used to allow more exact correspondence with historic European and Middle Eastern tunings. CPU: Low RJ_RESONATOR ============ Description: Fixed filter banks for resonances (formants) of Western String and Reed instruments. Each filter is made from five to seven resonant peaks or cuts. Comment: Resonant filters enjoyed a burst of popularity in the late 70s, with the ARP Pro-soloist, Polymoog and the Korg PS-3300. The string formants feature wood and air resonances, a fifth apart, at frequencies approximating the middle string notes, plus bridge resonance, middle and high resonance. Violin I is loosely based on some Stradivarius and Violin II is loosely based on a Guarnieri. The reed formants have two peaks, the higher at 2.5 times the frequency of th lower, with a sharp cut between. The Sympathy setting is a series of highly resonant tunings, probably closer to a bassoon band at a distance. Note that this module can be driven into distortion easily and has widely varying output levels. Values calculated for 44K sample rate; other audio rates will alter the frequency response. CPU: Quite high. Probably suited for after a voice combiner. RJ_VOXNO ======== Description: Voltage output pin for total number of voices. Voltage output pin for number of current voice. Comment: For applications such detuning or panning each voice independently, or for giving each voice an individual set of GUI controls, or for a row of LEDs showing which voice is playing. Demonstration prefab provided. CPU: Effectively none RJ_SWARF ======== Description: Copies input to output. At high values of "pitch" pin, a simple high-pass filter reduces the highest octave below Nyquist frequency. Comment: Use this module before waveshapers to reduce audible aliasing. Waveshapers generate extra high harmonics depending on their order: x^2 generate harmonics in the 8ve above the original signal, wise men we reduce the higher harmonics to reduce the alias noise. CPU: Low RJ_FILTER ========= Description: 5 pole and 3 pole low-pass filter. Resonance. "Zing" pin adjusts resonance response to frequency. Comment: Cutoff frequency pin uses Hz not Volts. CPU: RJ_FILTER 2 (Superceded by RJ FILTER 3) =========== Description: Thirty different low-pass filters, most of which also have high-pass variants. Resonance. "Zing" pin adjusts resonance response to frequency. Select two to five stages (poles) for the output, and two to five stages for resonance. All filters have two variants: analog modeling and "fast". Comment: "f" fast has sharper resonance, clearer sound and a single distortion type; analog modeling has fatter resonance, buzzier/creamier sound and complex distortion. As far as I know, this is the only filter available which exposes the number of filter stages and number of resonant stages. Demonstration prefab provided. CPU: Similar performance to SE Moog filter. Fewer poles and constant cutoff filter means less CPU. RJ_CURVER ========= Description: Simple waveshaping for oscillators: "curve" changes wave from concave to convex S response, "squeeze" makes a sawtooth into a gapped sawtooth. Comment: Mild waveshaping can help recreate vintage sounds. Recomment to use with RJ_SWARF. CPU: Low RJ_SEQUENCER ============ Description: Analog-style sequencer: dual 16-step with transpose in, reset, cycle. Can be clocked at audio rates Comment: Vanilla analog-style sequencer. Demonstration prefab provided. CPU: Low LARJ Quad Oscillator 2 ====================== Features: Control and audio oscillator. Four independent, mixable outputs: square, saw, ramp, triangle; switchable between four shape variations: dark, medium, bright, perfect 2, and perfect. (Perfect is ideal mathematical shape, not suitable for audio applications.) Audio rate AM, PM and FM available. PWM available. Hard and soft sync. Basic anti-aliasing. Active pin. Warning: This is oscillator is not suitable for quality audio rate output, due to aliasing. (Or, at least, it will become progressively more unpleasant for pitches more than the sample rate/8 as more aliasing occurs.) Comment: This is an updated version of Mark Andrew's LA QUAD oscillator. It is useful if you need ideal shapes, for control purposes, or analog sounding oscillators. It is has only basic anti-aliasing. It will have a more permanant home at the site. Demonstration prefab provided. CPU: It is CPU efficient compared when you need multiple simultaneous applications, compared to using multiple synced oscillators. Selecting the mode PM: disable and FM: disable reduces CPU use. Mode FM:half also reduces CPU use. The Active pin that should be connected to the VCA envelope generator. RJ_SLEWER ========= Features: Input copied to output, but changes at a rate determined by attack (for rises) and decay (for falls) pins. Comment: Active pin off also resets the running average: next voltage when active is not slid to. In activity can be set to follow active pin only, or active pin + output=zero for use with envelope generators. Linear constant rate of change means that, when used as portamento, close notes are clear but distant notes have audible glide. CPU: About 25% of SE built in Envelope Follower (not exactly same functions). Active pin to reduce CPU when not needed.