;other skin settings ; Fonts ; http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS1#font-variant ; font-color - BBGGRR Blue-Green-Red mix, hexadecimal numbers ; background-color SAME (-1 = transparent) ; font-size - Height in pixels ; font-family - Searches available fonts, left to right. Specific font name, or generic... ; 'serif' (e.g. Times) ; 'sans-serif' (e.g. Helvetica) ; 'cursive' (e.g. Zapf-Chancery) ; 'fantasy' (e.g. Western) ; 'monospace' (e.g. Courier). Dosn't seem to go smaller than 12 ; Arial, Times New Roman, and Courier New are core fonts to Windows ; ; text-decoration underline (overline, line-through, blink not supported) ; font-style normal |italic (oblique not supported) ; font-weight : normal | bold | light | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 ; | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ; following not supported at present: bolder | lighter ; text-align center | left | right FONT_CATEGORY module_title font-family Arial, "sans-Serif" font-size 12 font-color #FFFFFF FONT_CATEGORY panel_group ;font-family "System", "sans-Serif" font-family "MS Sans Serif", "sans-Serif" font-size 14 font-weight bold font-color #FFFFFF FONT_CATEGORY control_label ;font-family System, "monoSpace" ;font-size 12 font-family "MS Sans Serif", "sans-Serif" font-size 14 font-weight bold font-color #FFFFFF FONT_CATEGORY control_edit ;font-family System, Arial, "sans-serif" ;font-size 12 font-family "MS Sans Serif", "sans-Serif" font-size 14 font-weight bold ;font-color #000000 - don't apply to edit boxs ; this category is for LED Stack item labels and rotary switch labels FONT_CATEGORY switch_label font-family Verdana, "monoSpace" font-size 10 font-color #F5F5F5 FONT_CATEGORY selector_text ;font-family System, "monoSpace" ;font-size 10 font-family "MS Sans Serif", "sans-Serif" font-size 14 font-weight bold font-color #ff0000 ; the writing on container and VST plugin displays FONT_CATEGORY tty font-family terminal, monoSpace font-size 10 font-color #00f000 background-color #000000 ; plugs FONT_CATEGORY plug font-family Arial, "MS Sans Serif", Verdana font-size 10 font-color #000000 FONT_CATEGORY "Normal" font-family "MS Sans Serif" font-size 12 font-color #000000 background-color #ffffff text-align center FONT_CATEGORY "Heading 1" font-family Arial, Verdana font-size 28 font-color #fff7f7 text-align center text-decoration underline ;font-style italic font-weight 900 FONT_CATEGORY "Heading 2" text-align center font-family Arial font-size 18 FONT_CATEGORY "Heading 3" text-align center font-family Arial font-size 14 FONT_CATEGORY "User 1" font-family Arial, "sans-serif" font-size 14 font-color #000000 background-color #ffffff text-align left FONT_CATEGORY "User 2" font-family Courier FONT_CATEGORY "User 3" font-family Fixedsys